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Monday, September 30, 2013

Walmart: Cheap Equate Pads & Pantiliners!

Print out a coupon for $1.00 off any Equate Pad or Pantiliner Product to score a great deal at Walmart!

 Equate Options Liners 26 ct $1.98
-Use $1.00 off any Equate Pad or Pantiliner Product
Final price: $0.98

Equate Options Pads 14ct $3.46
-Use $1.00 off any Equate Pad or Pantiliner Product
Final price: $2.46

Equate Super Maxi Pads 96ct $6.97
-Use $1.00 off any Equate Pad or Pantiliner Product
Final price: $5.97 for 96 pads!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Free Honey Sesame Chicken at Panda Express on 10/2!

Photo Credit:

On Wednesday, October 2, head into Panda Express where you can get a free Honey Sesame Chicken Breast entree with coupon! You can choose to print out the coupon or show it to them on your mobile phone. The entree is limited to one per person.

This offer is for participating locations, so be sure to call your local Panda Express before heading over there.

Tip: To turn this into a full meal that your whole family can enjoy, cook up some rice at home and add the Honey Sesame Chicken to it. You can also add another side of veggies to make the meal more complete.

(Thanks, Vetta!)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Best Deals Using Coupons from 9/29 Newspaper

These are the best deals that you can get using coupons from the 9/29 Newspaper. I have included a variety of stores so even if you don't live in Arizona, you can still get a few of these deals! I will be adding more deals throughout the week, so check back often.


Buy (2) Robitussin 20ct or 4oz liquid $4.95 = $9.90
-Use two $3.00 off any Robitussin products from 9/29 RP
Pay $3.90, receive $3 extrabucks
Final price: $0.90 or $0.45 each!

If you are a fan of Tide detergent, check out the deal that Hip2Save posted! You can pick up Tide for as low as $2.74 per bottle!

Dollar General 
Head & Shoulders 6.8fl oz $2.50
-$2.00 off one Head & Shoulders shampoo or conditioner product from 9/29 P&G
Final price: $0.50

Always Pantiliners 20ct $1.00
-Use $1.50 off two Always Pads or Liners from 9/29 P&G
Final price: $0.50 for two!


Sparkle Paper Towel $0.99
-$0.50 off Sparkle Paper Towel 3 roll or smaller from 9/29 RP (will double to $0.99)
Final price: FREE

Suave Professionals Shampoo & Conditioner $1.98
-$1.50 off any one Suave Professionals Product from 9/29 RP
Final price: $0.48

Tresemme Shampoo & Conditioner $2.48
-$2.50 off any one Tresemme base product from 9/29 RP
Final price: FREE
Sparkle Paper Towel (single roll) $0.97
-$0.50 off Sparkle Paper Towel 3 roll or smaller from 9/29 RP
Final price: $0.47

Questions about abbreviations? P&G=Procter & Gamble; RP=Redplum; and SS=SmartSource. These are coupon booklets that you can find in the Sunday newspaper.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Walgreens: Free Butterball Turkey Bacon

Walgreens has Butterball Turkey Bacon on sale this week for $0.99. Head over to the Butterball Facebook page where you can request a coupon for $1.00 off, if you share it with your friends. If you opt not to share the offer, then you will receive a coupon for $0.55. The $1.00 coupon will need to be adjusted down one penny. Take your Walgreens coupon policy with you so that the cashier knows that the coupon CAN be marked down to the price of the item.

To get to the coupon, go to the Butterball Facebook page, click the "Find Yourself Here" link, and then you'll click on another link that will take you to a quiz. Once you complete the quiz, you'll be able to get the coupon!

While you're at Walgreens, be sure to pick up one dozen eggs for only $0.99!

Monday, September 30, 2013

*HOT* Walgreens: $1.25 Purex Laundry Detergent (10/6-10/12)

From 10/6-10/12, Walgreens has the Purex Laundry Detergent on sale for Buy 1, Get 2 Free. There was also a coupon out for $1.50 off two. (The $1.50 coupon is no longer available.) Since Walgreens allows you use to use coupons on a free item, pair the coupons with the sale to pick up detergent for only $1.25 each!

Here's the deal:
Buy (6) Purex Laundry Detergents $5.99 each
Buy 1, get 2 Free sale (four of the bottles will be free)
Total: $11.98
-Use three $1.50 off two Purex Laundry Detergents (no longer available to print)
Final price: $7.48 or $1.25 each!

If you only have one computer, you could do this deal:
Buy (3) Purex Laundry Detergents $5.99 each
Buy 1, get 2 Free sale
-Use one $1.50 off two Purex Laundry Detergent (no longer available to print)
Final price: $4.49 or $1.50 each

No matter which deal you do, this is a stock up price for detergent! If you are aiming to get your year's supply of laundry detergent, this is a great opportunity. The Purex coupons will not stick around until the sale so print them asap!

In case you run into any problems using the coupons on a free item, take the Walgreens coupon policy to the store with you. It clearly states that coupons may be used in a Buy one, get one free sale. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Target: FREE Wisk Travel Sized Detergent?!

Target has the single pack of Wisk Deep Clean Travel Sized Detergent regularly price at $1.00. Use a $1.00 off coupon that has NO size restrictions to get it for free!

Here's how you can get the coupon:
1. Go HERE to change the zip code to 23450.
2. Then go HERE to find the coupon at the beginning of the list! You will need to watch the video in order to access the coupon

(Thanks, Hip2Save!)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fry's: FREE Clif Mojo Bar (With Printable Coupon)!

Fry's has the Clif Mojo Bars on sale for only $1.00. Use this $0.50 off any one Clif Mojo or Mojo Dipped Bar to get it for free! These coupons go fast so print it ASAP.

Remember, Fry's makes all coupons $1.00, even those that state "Do Not Double." You can read more about their coupon policy on their Facebook page.

(Thanks, Rachel!)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Safeway: Oscar Mayer Lunch Meat Only $1.66 (Regularly $4.99)!

Safeway has Oscar Mayer Lunch Meat on sale for only $1.99 when you buy at least 3 with the in-ad coupon. (You can pick up a weekly ad in store if you need to.) To make the deal even better, you can load an eCoupon for $1.00 off two to your shopper's card! This coupon can be found in the Deli category.

Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunchmeat
I saw one person report that you can purchase six packages of Oscar Mayer Lunch Meat and the eCoupon will take $1.00 off every two. I didn't try that deal out, though, so I can't confirm if it will work. If you want to try it out, let me know how it goes! If it works, you can score the lunch meat for only $1.49 per package!

Other deals at Safeway:
Buy 4, save $2 Promotion

Friday, September 27, 2013

Safeway Buy 4, Save $2 Sale! Amazing Deals!

Safeway has an awesome Buy 4, save $2 promotion going on until Tuesday (October 3). You can mix and match any items that are participating in the buy 4, save $2 sale. It looks like you don't have to buy in increments of 4. I purchased 18 items and 50¢ was taken off of each item! I think as long as you buy at least 4 items, the sale will work out! I have included some of the best deals that they had.

Remember, Safeway (at least the one in Arizona) makes all coupons $1 except for those that state "Do Not Double." Be sure to read up on the Safeway Coupon Policy and print it out to take to the store with you.

 Rotel Diced Tomatoes $0.50
-$0.40 off two Rotel Diced Tomatoes from 9/22 Smart Source (newspaper coupon)
Final price: FREE
 Betty Crocker Boxed Potatoes $1.29 when you buy 4 or more

 Wolf Brand Chili with Beans $0.99 when you buy 4
-$0.40 off one Wolf Brand Chili from 9/22 Smart Source (newspaper coupon)
Final price: FREE

 Kraft Mayo $2.49 when you buy 4

 Betty Crocker Cake Mix $0.99 each when you buy 4

 Duncan Hines Cake Mix $1.49 when you buy 4
-$0.35 off one Duncan Hines Product
Final price: $0.49

 Progresso Light Soups $1.49 when you buy 4
-$0.50 off two cans any flavor Progresso Soups
Final price: $0.99 each when you buy 2

 Mott's for Tot's Juice $1.79 when you buy 4

 Old El Paso Stand 'N Stuff Soft Flour Tortillas $1.99
-$0.50 off Old El Paso Product (excludes Old El Paso Refrigerated, Frozen or Soup Products)
-OR $0.50 off Old El Paso Stand 'N Stuff Soft Tortillas
Final price: $0.99

 Old El Paso Stand 'N Stuff Soft Taco Dinner Kit $2.99 when you buy 4
-$0.50 off Old El Paso Product (excludes Old El Paso Refrigerated, Frozen or Soup Products)
-OR $0.50 off Old El Paso Stand 'N Stuff Soft Tortillas
Final price: $1.99

 Hamburger Helper $1.29 when you buy 4
-$0.75 off three Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, or Chicken Helper
Final price: $0.96 each when you buy 3!

 Rice A Roni $0.99 each when you buy 4

 Pasta Roni $0.99 each when you buy 4

 Barilla Italian Entree Microwaveable Meal $1.49
-$1.00 off one Barilla Microwaveable Meal
Final price: $0.49

Chef Boyardee $0.79 when you buy 4

Van De Camp Baked Beans $0.79 when you buy 4
-$0.50 off two Van Camp's Baked Beans from 9/22 Smart Source (newspaper coupon)
Final price: $0.29 each when you buy 2

You can also pick up Oscar Mayer Lunch Meat for only $1.66 per package!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Kroger & Affiliates: FREE Hillshire Farm Bold Lunchmeat (Must Load eCoupon TODAY)

Wow! I love these freebie Friday eCoupons that Kroger offers! Hurry over and load an eCoupon for a FREE package of Hillshire Farm Bold Lunchmeat. You can redeem it for Flavored Tuscan Style Herb Turkey Breast, Smokey Bourbon Ham, or Black Pepper Turkey Breast flavor.

Once loaded to your card, this eCoupon doesn't expire until 10/12/13. But remember, it must be loaded to your card TODAY (9/27).

Redeeming the coupon is easy. All you have to do is purchase the product. Once you get to the register, give the cashier your shopper's card or phone number, and the price of the item will be automatically deducted! If you have any trouble, let me know!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Southwest Macaroni & Cheese Recipe

Last week, I wasn't in a cooking mood. But, I wanted to make sure that my husband and toddler ate well, so I sucked it up and came up with a simple and yummy recipe. It was delicious! Sometimes I will toss different ingredients together to see what I come up with. This was a hit with my boys!

FYI: I didn't use exact measurements on all ingredients in this recipe. The ground beef and macaroni are approximations. So play around with it and make it into something that your family will eat and love!

1 lb ground beef, browned and drained
2 cups elbow macaroni (cooked according to package)
1 can of Rotel diced tomatoes, drained
4oz cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup grated cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the first four ingredients in a bowl and stir until it's well-mixed. Transfer to a baking pan and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, sprinkle the grated cheese on top, and put back into the oven to cook for an additional 5 minutes. Serve and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fry's: All Brand Laundry Detergent Only $1.99

Running low on laundry detergent? Fry's has All Landry Detergent 32-50oz on sale for only $2.99. Use a coupon valid on All laundry detergent 50oz to get it for only $1.99!

The deal:

Buy (1) All Laundry Detergent 50oz $2.99
-Use one $1.00 off All Laundry Detergent 32/33ld (50oz) product
Final price: $1.99 or 6¢ per load

Remember, you have to get the 50oz bottle in order to use the above coupon.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fry's: Pick Up The Values Promotion

This Pick Up The Values Promotion that Fry's is running is very different from the usual Mega (Buy 5, Save $5) Promotion in that you have to load an eCoupon to get the additional savings. Normally, you cannot combine an eCoupon with a Manufacturer's coupon, but in this case, you can.

For days, I waffled over whether it was unethical couponing to combine a Manufacturer's coupon with the eCoupon because verbiage on the eCoupon indicates that "Digital coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item."

Why I think this promotion is different from typical eCoupons:
  • Normally when you use try to use an eCoupon with a Manufacturer's coupon, the manuf coupon will beep and won't go through. That's not the case with the Pick up the Value eCoupon.

  • This promotion was advertised in the Smart Source booklet that came in the Sunday paper. They mentioned that you could use "additional savings" found in the coupon booklet.

  • Manufacturer eCoupons have come off with the Pick Up the Value eCoupon on one item.
It's up to you whether or not to participate in this promotion.

Important Information:
  • You can head over HERE to load the Pick Up The Values eCoupon.
  • The eCoupon will take $5 off every 5 participating items, up to 25 items in one transaction.
  • Once you use the eCoupon, it will disappear. This means that if you only buy 5 items and use that eCoupon, it won't be available for you to purchase more items on another day.
  • You can mix and match items
  • Fry's makes all coupons $1.00. This is limited to 3 like coupons per transaction, though!
  • In the list below, all underlined items will lead to a site where you can print the coupon.
These are the best deals:

Colgate Total Mouthwash 8.4 oz $2.99
Receive $1.00 off each item when you buy 5 participating items 
-$1.10 off any Colgate Total or Colgate Optic White (8oz or larger)
Final price: $0.89

Huggies Baby Wipes $1.99
Receive $1.00 off each item when you buy 5 participating items
-$0.50 off Huggies Baby Wipes (40 ct or larger) from 9/22 Smart Source
-$0.50 off Huggies Baby Wipes
Final price: FREE (or $0.49 if your store doesn't double)

Palmolive Dish Soap 25oz $2.49
Receive $1.00 off each item when you buy 5 participating items  
-$0.50 off any Palmolive Liquid Dish Soap from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: $0.49 (or $0.99 if your store doesn't double)

Soft Soap Hand Soap 8.5oz $1.99
Receive $1.00 off each item when you buy 5 participating items 
-$0.35 off one Soft Soap (7.5oz or larger) from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: FREE (or $0.64 if your store doesn't double)

Speed Stick $1.99
Receive $1.00 off each item when you buy 5 participating items 
-$0.50 off one Speed Stick Regular or Lady Speed Stick from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: FREE (or $0.49 if your store doesn't double)

Let's assume that I bought three 9/22 Sunday newspapers.
I could purchase (3) packs of Huggies wipes, (2) bottles of Palmolive dish soap, (3) Soft Soap hand soaps, and (2) Speed Stick Deodorants for a total of 10 items. The Pick Up The Values eCoupon would take off $1.00 per item since I bought in increments of 5. My final total (after coupons) would be $0.98 plus tax! Great deal!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Best Deals Using Coupons From 9/22 Newspaper

Kleenex 85ct, 70ct or 55ct 99¢
-Use one $0.50 off any three boxes (50ct or larger) from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: $2.47 or 82¢ eac
Buy (1) Palmolive Dish Soap 10oz $0.88
-Use one $0.50 off any Palmolive Liquid Dish soap from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: $0.38

Buy (3) Speed Stick or Lady Stick $1.99 each = $5.97
-Use three $0.50 off one Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick 2.3oz or larger from 9/22 Smart Source
Pay $4.47, receive $3.00 extra care reward
Final price: $1.47 or 49¢ each


Colgate 4.6 oz toothpaste
-Use one $0.50 off one Colgate Toothpaste 4oz or larger from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: FREE

Buy (1) Soft Soap Hand 7.5oz $1.00
-Use one $0.35 off one Soft Soap product from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: FREE

Buy (2) U by Kotex 18 ct Liners $1.00
-Use one $0.75 off any one package of U by Kotex Liners from 9/22 Smart Source
Pay nothing, receive coupon for $2.00 off your next purchase
Final price: FREE

Palmolive Dish Soap 25oz $2.49
-Use one $0.50 off any Palmolive Liquid Dish soap from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: $1.49

Banquet Chicken Nuggets 24oz $3.59
-Use one $0.50 off one bag of Banquet Boneless Chicken Nuggets or Tenders from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: $2.59 

Rite Aid
Buy (3) Palmolive Dish Liquid 10 oz 3/$3
-Use three $0.50 off any Palmolive Liquid Dish soap from 9/22 Smart Source
-AND use one $1.00 off three Palmolive Rite Aid coupon (watch video found under Household category)
Pay $0.50, receive $1.00 +Up reward
Final price: $0.50 moneymaker!

Buy (1) Palmolive Dish Soap 10oz $0.89
-Use one $0.50 off any Palmolive Liquid Dish soap from 9/22 Smart Source
Final price: $0.39 

Monday, September 23, 2013

{UPDATE} Fry's: Free Red Star Platinum Superior Baking Yeast (eCoupon)

Update: I contacted Kroger when I noticed that the eCoupon had completely disappeared from my account. She said that she thinks that there was a possible computer glitch and that the eCoupon wasn't supposed to be offered today. It appears to be a future Freebie Friday coupon. The eCoupon has since been removed from the digital coupon system.
Fry's is offering up an eCoupon for Free Red Star Platinum Superior Baking Yeast 3-strip. To find the eCoupon easily sort by "Most Recent."

Redeeming the coupon is easy. All you have to do is load the eCoupon to your Shopper's VIP card and when you purchase the item in store, the eCoupon will come off automatically at the register.

The eCoupon doesn't expire until October 31!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fry's: Free Angel Soft Toilet Paper (Ends 9/24)

Until September 24, Fry's has Angel Soft toilet paper 4 rolls on sale for only $1.00 each. 

Head over to the Angel Soft website where you will find a coupon for 25¢ off ANY one Angel Soft bath tissue product. Simply click on the "Bath Tissue" option in the green cloud.

Remember, Fry's will make all coupons $1 or up to the value of the item if the item is cheaper than $1. Another thing to note is that Fry's doubles only 3 like coupons per transaction.

You should be able to print this coupon two times per computer. If you have printed it twice before, unfortunately you won't be able to print again.

Friday, September 20, 2013

CVS: Great Deals on Baby Products (9/22-9/28)

New to shopping at CVS? Check out my "How to Shop at CVS" post.

If you are looking to stock up on diapers, CVS is the place to be during the week of September 21-28! CVS is having their amazing promotion of spend $20, get $5 extracare reward or spend $30 and receive a $10 extracare reward.

In addition to the diapers, the following products are also included in this sale:
Little Remedies Buy 1, get 1 50% off
-Coupon for $1.00 off any Little Remedies product (must sign up to print coupon)
Aquaphor Baby Products Buy 1, get 1 50% off
 -Coupon for $1.00 off any Eucerin product (Aquaphor is a Eucerin product)
Johnson's Baby 13-15oz $2.99
Johnson's Baby oil gel 6.5oz $2.99
Desitin 2oz $2.99
-Coupon for $0.75 off Desitin
 Enfamil Ready-to-Feed 6pk 2/$18

Deal Idea #1:
Buy (1) Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers $9.49
Buy (2) Johnson's Baby Head-To-Toe Baby Wash $2.99 each = $5.98
Total: $15.47
-Use one $2.50 off any one package of Huggies diapers (share to get the $2.50 value)
-Use one $1.00 off Johnson's Baby Head-To-Toe baby wash
 Pay $10.97, receive $5.00 extracare reward
Final price: $5.97

Deal Idea #2:
Buy (2) Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers $9.49
Buy (1) Huggies Little Movers Slip On Diapers $9.49
Buy (1) Johnson's Baby Head-To-Toe Baby Wash $2.99
Total: $31.46
-Use two $2.50 off any one package of Huggies diapers (share to get the $2.50 value)
-Use one $2.50 off Huggies Little Movers Slip On diapers (register/sign in and share for $2.50 value)
-Use one $1.00 off Johnson's Baby Head-To-Toe baby wash
Pay $23.46, receive $10 extracare reward
Final price: $13.46

Is your kiddo in Pull-ups? There are coupons for those over on the Huggies website!

Does any of this sound confusing? Send me a message to let me know and I will answer any questions that you have!

Friday, September 20, 2013

CVS: Pampers and Luvs Diapers as Low as $4.24 Per Pack (Ends 9/21)

New to shopping at CVS? Check out my "How to Shop at CVS" post.

Until September 21, CVS is having an amazing deal on Pampers & Luvs diapers! Pictured below are the products that are on sale. You can do a mix and match of these or buy all of one product. This is an awesome time to stock up on baby items.

Remember, you can print two of each coupon per computer.

Deal Idea #1:
Buy (2) Luvs Jumbo Pack diapers $6.99 each = $13.98
Buy (2) Pampers Jumbo Pack diapers $8.99 each = $17.98
Total: $31.96
-Use two $1.00 off one Luvs diapers
-Use two $1.50 off one Pampers Baby Dry diapers
Pay $26.96, receive $10 extracare reward
Final price: $16.96 or $4.24 per pack!

Deal Idea #2:
Buy (2) Lansinoh Nursing pads $5.29 (based on online price)
Buy one, get one 50% off
Buy (2) Luvs Jumbo Pack diapers $6.99 each = $13.98
Buy (1) Pamper Jumbo Pack diapers $8.99
Total: $30.91
-Use two $1.00 off one Luvs diapers
-Use one $1.50 off one Pampers Baby Dry diapers
Pay $27.41, receive $10 extracare reward
Final price: $17.41

You can find other coupons for Pampers by heading over here and clicking on the Baby & Toddler category.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fry's: FREE LA Looks Hair Gel (With Printable Coupon)

Fry's has the LA Looks hair gel on sale for $1.00 until October 1st. Add a printable coupon and you'll be able to get the hair gel for free!

LA Looks hair gel 20oz $1.00
-Use one $0.75/1 LA Looks Product (will double up $1 per Fry's coupon policy)
Final price: FREE

{Thanks, KrogerKrazy & KCL!}

Friday, September 20, 2013

And the winner is...

 Melissa S!

The winner will have until Monday, September 23 to message me at

Thanks everyone for sharing pictures of your trip. Don't be afraid to post pictures on the Xoxo Frugal Momma Facebook page. It's always nice to have people rooting for you when it comes to couponing (or anything in life, for that matter)! I will definitely be posting pictures of any trips that I make.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Kroger & Affiliates: Free Orville Redenbacher's Ready to Eat Popcorn (Must Load Today!)

 Whoo hoo! Today is Kroger's (Fry's is included in this) Freebie Friday! Today (9/20) only, load an eCoupon to your shopper's card for free Orville Redenbacher's Ready to Eat Popcorn, 5oz bag.

Redeeming the coupon is easy. Just pick up the popcorn at your store and the eCoupon will be taken off automatically.

The expiration date on the eCoupon is 10/5/13, so that leaves you with 2 weeks to use it!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Rite Aid: Crest ProHealth Toothpaste FREE + 50¢ Moneymaker

Beginning September 22, Rite Aid will have Crest Pro Health Toothpaste on sale for $3. You will also receive a $3 +up reward for purchasing one.

Here's the deal:
Buy (1) Crest Pro Health Toothpaste 6 oz $3
-Use one $0.50 off one Crest Pro Health Toothpaste 4oz or larger
Pay $2.50, receive $3 +up reward
Final price: 50¢ moneymaker!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Walmart: FREE Lindt Chocolate Bar!

Hurry over to the Lindt Chocolate USA Facebook page, like the page, and watch the video to unlock a coupon for $2.00 off any one Lindt Product (3.5 oz or greater).

Take that coupon into Walmart where you may find the cocoa bars priced at only $1.68! Use the $2.00 to get the product for FREE plus a small moneymaker!! 

Per Walmart's coupon policy which you can find HERE: "If coupon value exceeds the price of the item, the excess may be given to the customer as cash or applied toward the basket purchase." I would highly recommend that you print out the policy and carry it to the store with you anytime that you plan to use coupons.

Another idea: Because the coupon prints with a long expiration date of 11/23, you can also hold the coupon in hopes of finding Lindt chocolate at a cheaper price after Halloween.

Other things to shop for at Walmart:
Free Schick Razor

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Walmart: FREE Schick Razor (with Printable Coupon)

Hurry over and print a high value coupon for $4.00 off any one Schick Women's Razor or Refill.

Take it into Walmart where the Schick Silk Effects Plus are only $3.98!! That means you can get this razor for FREE! (Think Christmas gift baskets for girls.)

Per Walmart's coupon policy which you can find HERE: "If coupon value exceeds the price of the item, the excess may be given to the customer as cash or applied toward the basket purchase." I would highly recommend that you print out the policy and carry it to the store with you anytime that you plan to use coupons. 

Other items to purchase at Walmart:
Free Lindt Chocolate Bar

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Walgreens: Bags of Mars Candy for Only $1 Each!

This is a perfect opportunity to stock up on candy for Halloween! Walgreens has the Mars candy on sale for 2/$5! Pair the sale with a manufacturer's and store coupon to get the bags for only $1 each! HOT price!

Here's the deal:
Buy (3) Mars Candy $2.50 each (sizes 11-12 oz)= $7.50

-Use one $1.50 off three Mars Chocolate Halloween Bags
-AND use one $1.00 off one Mars Walgreens coupon in the September booklet (found near the weekly ads) This coupon will automatically deduct $1 off each bag of candy once scanned at the register.

Pay $3 for three bags of candy!

OR you could purchase six bags and use two coupons for $1.50 off three Mars Chocolate Halloween Bags. You will pay $6 for six bags! Even with this deal, you would only need ONE of the Walgreens store coupons because it will automatically deduct $1 from EACH bag of candy.

REMEMBER: In order to get this deal, you have to purchase Mars Candy bags sized 11-12 oz.

Milky Way candy is also included in the deal!

Other deals at Walgreens this week:
67¢ Kellogg's Cereal and 97¢ Pop-Tarts
FREE Glade Sense and Spray Kit

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