A few months back, I bought a box of Huggies diapers for our little guy. Usually we buy Luvs, but since I found a good price on Huggies I decided to give them a try. The diapers fit pretty well and didn't leak. The one downside is that once the diapers were thrown into the trash, the smell just built up and it was horrible. I NEVER had this problems with Luvs. I would throw the Luvs diapers in the trash and forget that they were there. So what did I do? I emailed Huggies and told them about the problem that I had. Do you know what they did? They sent me a $25 debit card and coupons to use on any Huggies products. I was able to give the diapers another chance (and I'm glad that I did) and Huggies had a happy consumer! I still buy their diapers because they showed me that they cared about my feelings.
My little boy had a pretty messy diaper. I thought that I had all of the right distractions, but kids just do not want to sit still for long. While his diaper was unfastened, I had to wrestle with the Pampers wipes container. The wipes would not come out of the package. It was so frustrating (I laugh about it now) because at the end of it, poop was pretty much everywhere...all because of the way the wipes were arranged. I emailed Pampers and told them about my experience. I was nice, but expressed my frustrations. I told them that the wipes should have slid right out of the container, especially since the Pampers company preloaded them. Do you know what Pampers did? They sent me two coupons for free packages of wipes!
I have emailed companies to let them know that I love their products. I have emailed companies to ask them for coupons so that I can try out their product. (The worst they can do is say "no.") And there are those times when I have emailed companies to let them know that I'm not satisfied. They want to know how you feel! They really do! They want to know if their product is causing you to get poop everywhere. They want to know that their product isn't getting your dishes clean. Companies take this information and use it to improve. Chances are, if you are having a good (bad) experience, then someone else is, too.
Here are some things that I've been able to get for free because I wrote to companies:
WhoNu Cookies (They are so delicious, by the way)
Cascade dishwasher detergent
Pampers wipes
Huggies coupons
Burger King (I had to wait 15 minutes behind ONE car in the drive-thru. And I couldn't back up because there was only one way out and the way I had come was at an awkward angle. Once I got my product, I got home to realize that they had given me the wrong thing.)
You can also find coupons on the facebook page, as well as the official websites, of different companies. By going to those pages, I have gotten coupons for Indian pasta sauce, Italian sausage, Head and Shoulders shampoo, Ghiradelli chocolate, Planters peanut butter, waffles, and other things. Take 5 minutes out of your day and go write to one company. (Be sure to leave your name and address so that they know where to send coupons to!) If you ask for coupons and they say, "no," that's okay! Don't be discouraged. At least the company knows how you feel!

I was so frustrated with In-N-Out one time that I sent them an email. The In-N-Out by our apartment was consistently SUPER slow and after I sat in the drive-through for 10 minutes for just a milkshake, with no other cars in front of me, i'd had enough. I let them know how I felt and that I'd always had great service at other locations, but that this one was just so slow and no one ever apologized or gave me a reason why things were taking so long. They sent me two coupons for free combo meals and now I even get holiday cards from them, wishing me a Merry Christmas and Happy Independence day! It's true that companies WANT to know how you feel. They want to know about your experiences with their products and they are happy to reward you to continue using them. They can't improve without consumer feedback. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's good to know about huggies because I just returned a box of them to Costco because they amused a super bad rash on Eli's bum. I thought about callin them, but maybe I'll send an email? I could use some coupons ;)