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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Smokin Deal on Batteries at Walgreens

My kiddo has tons of toys that require batteries. My family has flashlights that need batteries in our emergency kits. So many things are battery operated, and it's really nice because if your power goes out then you can rely on batteries.

This week, April 28-May 4, Walgreens has their store brand batteries on sale for Buy 1 Get 1 Free. They are regularly priced at around $3.99.

To make this deal better, be sure to look in Walgreens for a "Happy and Healthy" book with Fergie on the cover. The booklet can be found near the sale ads or at the checkout counter. Inside of "Happy and Healthy" there are store coupons which expire around May 18. One of these coupons will allow you to get Walgreens brand alkaline AA or AAA, 4 packs, for $0.99. The coupon states limit 3.

Here's how the deal will work:

Buy 2 Walgreens brand AA or AAA, 4 pk on sale for Buy 1 @ 3.99 each, Get 1 Free
-Use (1) $0.99 coupon from the "Happy & Healthy" booklet (this coupon will bring each pack of batteries down to $0.99)
-Minus Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale

Final price: $0.99 for both packs!

If you wanted to buy more than the 2 packs, you can, since the coupon allows you to get 3 at the $0.99 price.

Here's what you will do if you wanted more:

Buy 6 Walgreens brand AA or AAA, 4 pk on sale for Buy 1 @ 3.99 each, Get 1 Free
-Use (1) $0.99 coupon from the "Happy & Healthy" booklet
-Minus Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale

Final price: $2.97 for 6 packs!
(How this deal worked out for me in the store is that the store coupon made 3 packs of batteries
$0.99. The other three packs simply showed up as free on my receipt.)

Friday, April 26, 2013

*HOT* Digiorno Pizza Deal at Target

Until Saturday, April 27, Target has a sweet deal on Digiorno Pizza! Right now the pizza is on sale for $5. If you buy three pizzas, then you will get a box of Nestle drumsticks for FREE. Of course we have coupons to make this deal even better!

Remember: You can print two coupons per computer. All you have to do is go through the link a second time or simply refresh the page.


Deal Idea:
Buy (4) Digiorno Artisan Pizzas $5 each = $20
Buy (1) Nestle Drumsticks = FREE w/ purchase of  pizzas
-Use (1) $5 off $20 Nestle Purchase Target coupon
-Use (2) $2.00 off Artisan Pizza coupons (from Facebook)
-Use (2) $1.50 off Artisan Pizza coupons (from

Final price: $8.00 or $1.60 each!!!

(You can print two coupons per computer to give you a total of four)

Deal Idea:
Buy (4) Digiorno Artisan Pizzas $5 each = $20
Buy (1) Nestle Drumsticks = FREE w/ purchase of 3 pizzas
-Use (1) $5 off $20 Nestle Purchase Target coupon
-Use (4) $2.00 off Artisan Pizza coupons

Final price: $7.00 or $1.40 each!!!!

  • This deal is not advertised in the ad, but there are tags showing the deal in-store. I actually called my Target to make sure that they were participating in the deal since it's a regional offer (meaning not all places are doing it). 
  • Some people have said that the Nestle drumsticks counts toward the $20 purchase. So, they bought three pizzas and one box of drumsticks and paid $4 for all of it! Your experience may vary. I say it doesn't hurt to try. You could take a fourth box of pizza to check out in cash buying three doesn't work.
  • After the cashier scans your items, hand over the $5 Target coupon first!
  • If you were able to print the $2.00 off any large Digiorno Pizza that I posted about on Facebook then use those, too! They will allow you to branch out from just getting the Digiorno Artisan Pizza.
  • Play around with the deal ideas and see how you can make it fit best for your family! 
  • Use your Target debit card to save 5%.
Thanks, Totally Target!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

FREE Angel Soft Toilet Paper at Safeway

Note: This deal is for my fellow Arizonians who have a Safeway that doubles coupons.

Safeway has the 4 pack Angel Soft regular rolls on sale for $1.00. This is a good deal in and of itself, but it gets even better because there is a coupon for it. The coupon has no size restrictions, which means that you can use it on the 4 pack.

The coupon value is $0.25, but Safeway makes all coupons under $1.00 valued at $1.00. For instance, a $0.25=$1.00, $0.50=$1.00, $0.60=$1.00.

Here's what you do:
1. Go to the Angel Soft website and click on the "Grab the Coupon" button.
2. Print out the coupon (should be able to get two prints per computer).
3. Take the coupon into Safeway and pick the 4 pack Angel Soft.
4. Head to checkout, give the product and coupon to the cashier, and you will just pay tax!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coupon for FREE Yucatan Guacamole

Yucatan has released a coupon for one free Yucatan Guacamole product on their Facebook page. To get the coupon, you will have to "like" the page and then click the "PRINT" button.

They are only giving away 4,000 so you will have to act fast!

Monday, April 22, 2013

$0.50 Flip Flops at Target!

Summer is coming! I don't know about you, but I do not like wearing close-toed shoes in the summertime. I like for my feet to be free. Thankfully, Target has released a $2.00 coupon for women's flip flops and flat sandals.

Target has flip flops for as low as $2.50 as part of their normal price. With the coupon, you can score a pair of flips flops for only $0.50! That's cheaper than Old Navy's popular $1.00 flip flop sale!

I was able to try out this deal in the store, and I can verify that it works. I had no troubles. You should be able to print two coupons per computer!

Thanks, Krazy Coupon Lady!

Monday, April 22, 2013

FREE Schick Hydro Silk Razor

You can pick up a FREE Schick Razor when you text SCHICK to 24444. Immediately after texting, you will receive a message that says, "Schick Hydro Silk invites you to a Razorvention! Click here to get your offer [link included in the text] while supplies last."

Since I don't have internet on my phone, I simply typed the link into my internet browser and it worked great!

Freebies like these are great for putting into gift baskets! They are also great to save for guests who may forget to pack them in their bags!

*The offer says, "Limit one per household."

Monday, April 22, 2013

FREE Pepsi Next 2 Liter

Hurry on over to the Pepsi website and spin the Wheel of Levey to snag a coupon for a FREE Pepsi Next 2 Liter. When you go to the site, your screen should say, "LOADING LEVYS." If this message doesn't pop up and you only get a blank screen, then you will want to refresh the page. After the page has loaded, you should see a wheel. Spin the wheel and you'll be able to enter your address to have the coupon mailed to you.

They are giving out a limited each quantity each day, so if you don't get one today, try again tomorrow!

*Coupon will be mailed to you in 6 weeks.

Thanks, Hip2Save!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dollar General: Great Deal on Quaker Items

If there's a Dollar General near you, this is a deal you may be interested in. They have a special offer where if you buy (2) Quaker Items, you will get $2.00 off. The picture below shows all of the items that are part of this sale. I was unable to find coupons to match up with the products, but even without the coupons, you're getting a great deal!

I tried it out in store, and it looks like it doesn't matter how many items you buy as long as you buy in sets of two, the register should take off $2.00 per set.You can also mix and match.

Here are some ideas:

Buy (2) Aunt Jemima Country Rich Syrup $2.35 each = $4.70
-$2.00 off DG sale
Final price: $2.70 or $1.35 each

Buy (2) Aunt Jemima Pancake Mixes $2.50 each = $5.00
-$2.00 off DG sale
Final price: $5.00 or $2.50 per box of pancake mix

Buy (1) Quaker Instant Oatmeal $1.95
Buy (1) Aunt Jemima Country Rich Syrup $2.35
-$2.00 off DG sale
Final price: $2.30 or $1.15 each

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rite Aid Deal on Pampers Diapers

Rite Aid is having a P&G sale where if you spend $15.00 (before coupons), you will receive a $5.00 +up reward to use on your next purchase. It looks like diapers are included in this sale! (Look in your weekly ad to verify.)

Buy (2) Pampers Easy Ups Jumbo Packs $9.47 = $18.94
-Use (2) $2.00 off Pampers Easy Ups coupons here
Pay $14.94, receive $5 +up reward for spending $15 on select items

That's like paying $9.94 for two packages of diapers or $4.97 each!
(You can only do this deal once)

You can also find more coupons for other Pampers diapers over at Once at the site, click on the "More" tab and then click on "Baby & Toddler."

Monday, April 15, 2013

$0.50 Per Pack of Huggies Wipes at Target!

This week, April 14-April 20, Target is having an awesome sale on Huggies and Pampers baby wipes. The wipes are $2.00 per pack and if you buy one, you will get the other pack for $1.00. So you could get two packs of wipes for $3.00 or $1.50 each.

Photo credit:

What could make this deal better? Coupons, of course!

Head on over to the Huggies Facebook page, play the game, and "share" the offer to get the coupon. (I'll tell ya, trying to clean up after those 5 or so babies in the game makes me grateful that I just have my one toddler!)

Here's what the deal will look like with coupons:
Buy (2) packs of Huggies wipes = $3.00 (One for $2.00 and the other is $1.00 via the sale)
-Use (2) $1.00 coupons from the Huggies Facebook page
Pay: $1.00 for two packs of wipes!

Awesome deal! Unfortunately, you will not be able to get a raincheck with this offer, but since this deal is all week long, you should be able to find some in stock at least on one day. You can also call your local store to see if they have any in stock so that you don't waste your gas!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

HOT CVS Deals! (For the week of 4/7-4/13)

I've got a SWEET deal for all of you who have a CVS near you. You will get kleenex, diapers, and detergent for really cheap! The best thing about this is that you don't have to use coupons from the newspaper. That's right--you can print the coupons right from your computer.

CVS is having a promotion on select products where if you spend $30 (before coupons), you will get a $10 ecb (which you can use on your next purchase). The limit for this deal is one (1).

Here's what you do:

Buy (2) packs of Huggies Little Movers Slip-on jumbo pack diapers $9.49 each = $18.98
Buy (2) bottles of ALL laundry detergent $3.99 each = $7.98
Buy (3) boxes of Kleenex regular 100ct, with lotion 70ct, or upright 60ct $0.99 each = $2.97

Your total will be $29.97. (Even though it's $0.03 shy of $30, you will still get the ecb.)

-You will use (2) $2.50 off Huggies Little Mover Slip-on found HERE and clicking on the green "Get Coupon" link. (like you see in the picture below). You will have to sign in/sign up in order to get the coupon. Note: You will also need to share the offer in order to get the $2.50 value.You will need a second computer in order to get a second $2.50 off coupon.

Photo Credit:
-You will use (2) $1.00 off All Free and Clear coupons found on their Facebook page (Click on the "get coupon" button at the top right side of the page) 

-You will use (1) $2.00 off any 3 Kleenex CVS coupon found here

After using those (5) coupons, your total will be $20.97. You will receive a $10 ecb at the bottom of your receipt after paying! That's like paying $10.97 or $1.56 each! And you will walk away with two packs of diapers, two bottles of detergent, and three boxes of Kleenex! That's a HOT deal!

If you are new to shopping at CVS, you can learn more about it in my "How to Shop at CVS" post.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Expired**HOT** Dr. Oz Digestive Advantage Giveaway

Sorry, the giveaway has ended!

Starting at 3pm EST, you will want to hurry over to Dr. Oz Digestive Advantage Giveaway page. If you are one of the first 10,000 people to fill out your information then you will receive a FREE 1-month supply of Digestive Advantage Daily Probiotic.

You will have to be really fast because usually as soon as 3pm EST hits, people flood the page and the giveaway ends within 5 minutes. If this is something you are interested in winning, you will want to refresh the giveaway page over and over until 3pm

I have entered Dr. Oz Giveaways before and they are totally legit.

Thanks, Hip2Save!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

High Value $2/1 Dream Beverage or Frozen Dessert

Head on over to the Dream Non Dairy facebook page where you will find a $2 off Dream coupon. You will need to enter your name and email address in order to print the coupon.

It's been reported that you can get this product for FREE at Wal-Mart with possible overage. (Overage example: The coupon is for $2.00 off, but the product is only $1.88. You will be able to apply the leftover $0.12 to your other items that you're purchasing. Or, Wal-Mart will actually give you the $0.12 to put into your wallet!)

You might be able to find this product for cheap at your local grocery stores, too.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Target Easter Clearance!

Target has their Easter clearance ranging from 70%-90% off! My store had the Snickers peanut butter squared miniatures for $0.95 (after the 70% off). I was able to get the candy for FREE after using this coupon. If you are heading into Target anytime soon, you might want to take that coupon with you in case you find a similar sale.

While you're there, look for m&ms on clearance, too. When you pair the price with a $1.50 off two target coupon, you will get a *sweet* deal!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Reminder: $0.50 Bag of Chocolate at CVS

CVS has Brookside Chocolate Pouches on sale for $3.00. Use a $2.50 coupon printed from the CVS website and you will be able to get a bag for $0.50!! The coupon has a limit of one per person and if you try to use a second one in the same transaction as the first, the register will beep. If you want to be able to get more than one bag, bring along a friend and split up your transactions.

Last night my husband and I tried the Pomegranate kind. It was super yummy and usually I'm not a fan of dark chocolate! I had to limit us to 4 each so that the bag could make it through the night! My husband has tried the Goji and he said that it was delicious!

Here's the deal:
Buy (1) Brookside Chocolate Pouch $3.00
-Use (1) $2.50 coupon found here (You will need to watch the video and then share it)
Final price: $0.50!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

*Reminder* $0.99 Cascadian Farms Cereal at Walgreens

Photo Credit:

This week April 7-13, Walgreens has Cascadian Farm Organic Cereal on sale for $1.99. (This cereal is usually priced $4.99 so $1.99 is a steal.) Guess what will make this sale even better. There's a $1.00 off coupon!! To get the coupon, go to the Cascadian Farm Facebook page. You will need to 'like' their page. After printing once, you should be able to print the coupon a second time by refreshing the page.

Here's how the deal will work out:

Buy 1 Cascadian Farm cereal $1.99
-Use (1) $1.00 coupon from the Facebook page
Final price: $0.99


Buy 2 Cascadian Farm cereal $1.99 = $3.98
-Use (2) $1.00 coupons from the Facebook page
Final price: $1.98

If you have two computers that you can pint coupons from, you can score an even better deal! If you buy four Cascadian Farm cereals in one transaction, you will receive 2,000 balance reward points, which is equivalent to $2.00. The points will go onto your Walgreens card. Once you have 5,000 points ($5.00), then you can redeem them.

Here's the deal if you buy four:
Buy (4) Cascadian Farm cereals $1.99 = $7.96
-Use (4) $1.00 coupons from the Facebook page
Final price: $3.96 for (4) boxes of cereal and then you will receive 2,000 points. That's like getting each box for $0.49!

This is an amazing price for (4) boxes of cereal! It's even better that its healthy cereal!!

You can find out more information about this product by going to their website.

Thanks, Centsable Shoppin and Hip2Save!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

*HOT* 25 FREE Photos at Walgreens

Today only (April 4), Walgreens is offering up the chance for everyone to get 25 FREE 4x6 photos. Head on over to the Walgreens Photo website and click on the "Create now" button. You will then be able to create an account (if you don't already have one) and add photos to an album.

During checkout, you will put in the promo code PICTURES25. You can choose FREE in-store pickup or you can choose to have them shipped to your home for a fee. Also, you can choose the "pay in store" option so you don't have to enter in your debit/credit card info.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

High Value Peanut Butter Coupon

Peanut Butter & Company has released a Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupon on their Facebook page. This appears to be a pretty popular product. It has high ratings on Amazon, as well as various blogs.

The 10 flavors that they offer are: Smooth Operator, Crunch Time, Cinnamon Raisin Swirl, The Heat is On, White Chocolate Wonderful, Dark Chocolate Dreams, The Bee's Knees, Mighty Maple, Old Fashioned Smooth, and Old Fashioned Crunchy.

Just naming those flavors has my stomach growling!

From their website: "Peanut Butter & Co.'s line of all-natural peanut butter contains no hydrogenated oils, no cholesterol, no trans-fats and, no high fructose corn syrup. Our flavors are gluten-free, vegan (except for The Bee's Knees which is vegetarian), and certified kosher. Lastly, but just as importantly, we only use USA-grown peanuts in our peanut butter."

You can find more information about Peanut Butter & Company on their website here.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

CVS Advisor Panel

Update: I took another survey on May 13 and got a $10 extracare bucks! The survey was just as the simple as the first one I took. I'm loving being a member of this panel!

If you have some extra time on your hands, you might be interested in signing up to be a member of the CVS Advisor Panel. You will have the opportunity to take surveys and give your input about the CVS stores, websites, products, etc. After qualifying for and completing each survey, you will earn extracare bucks (CVS money to use in store to purchase items).

I signed up in March and took my first survey at the beginning of March! It was relatively easy and interesting to complete. It didn't take much time. Immediately after completing the survey, I received a $5 ecb! I would definitely recommend signing up for this panel because those ecbs will make the CVS deals even better!


Monday, April 1, 2013

***HOT** CVS 20% Off Coupon

UPDATE: This coupon is no longer available. It's all out of passes. 

If you're planning on shopping at CVS this week, you will want to grab this coupon. Limited quantities are available and the last time something like this was offered, it ran out pretty quickly!

You will have until April 3 to use this coupon. 

Thanks, CenstableShoppin!

Monday, April 1, 2013

3/31-4/6: Great Week to Shop at CVS

This would be a great time to jump on the bandwagon for shopping at CVS with coupons. There are some really great deals! If you haven't already gotten the newspaper that came out on March 31, you should still be able to get them in stores. That newspaper only had one insert, but you can use those coupons to pick up free or cheap toothbrushes, mouthwash, etc at CVS this week. You can also pick up inexpensive chocolate (which is okay since you're getting cheap mouth products, right?!) Remember, Dollar Tree sells newspapers for only $1.00!

If you are new to shopping at CVS, you can go here to learn about the basics.

Brookside Pouches $3.00
-Use $2.50 coupon found here (must watch the video and share it)
Final price: $0.50

Clean and Clear Scalp Therapy $4.99 (limit 1)
-Use $4.99 coupon printed from the Extracare Coupon Center
Final price: FREE

Rescue Sleep or Rescue Pearls $8.99 (limit 1)
Pay $8.99, receive $8.99 ecb
Final price: FREE

Crest Pro-Health Rinse 1 liter or Whitening 16 oz $4.49 (limit 2)
-Use $1.50 coupon from 3/31 P&G
Pay 2.99, receive $2.00 ecb
Final price: $0.99

Oral B Cross Action power toothbrush 1 ct $5.99 (limit 2)
-Use $3.00 coupon from 3/31 P&G
Pay $2.99, receive $2.00 ecb
Final price: $0.99

Oral B Adult Manual Toothbrush 1 ct or Satin/Ultra/Super Floss $2.99 (limit 2)
-Use $1.00 coupon from 3/31 P&G
Pay $1.99, receive $1.00 ecb
Final price: $0.99

Dark & Lovely Au Naturale product $10.99
-Use $2.25 coupon found here @
Pay $8.74, receive $5.00 ecb
Final price: $3.74

Monday, April 1, 2013

How to Shop at CVS

CVS is by far my favorite store to shop when buying personal care products. You can often pick up items for free or really really cheap! Toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, body wash, shampoo, pads, vitamins...there's so much you can get by paying very little.

Sign up for an Extracare card in store
  • You can link your phone number to your card if you don't want to carry it around with you.
  • Allows you to buy items at the sale price offered at the store
  • Register your card at so that you can receive coupons by email
    • Often these coupons are for 20% off your purchase or $4 off $20, etc 
  • Card keeps track of purchases needed in order to receive ecbs
  • You'll receive 2% back on all of your purchases (which will print out as an ecb at the end of every quarter/3 months)
Extracare Bucks
  • Also called extrabucks rewards (abbreviated as ecb) are what make CVS so wonderful. 
  • Ecbs are store coupons that print out at the bottom of your receipt that you can use to purchase items in the store. 
  • Cannot be used to purchase prescriptions, alcohol, gift cards, lottery, money order, postage stamps, pre-paid cards, and tobacco products. Everything else is pretty much fair game!
  • How do you know if you'll receive an ecb by purchasing a product? Usually it will say so in the ad or you can see if it's tagged in your store.
  • Deals which offer ecbs have limits to allow others the opportunity to purchase the same products
  • Here's an example: If you purchase one Colgate toothpaste at $2.99, you will receive a $2.00 ecb. Notice the small print at the bottom. It limits you to doing this deal twice. If you were to buy a third toothpaste, you wouldn't receive a third $2.00 ecb.
  • There are some times when you have to spend a certain amount before you receive an ec. Example: In the picture below, you have to spend $10 BEFORE using any coupons to get the $5 ecb. Even if your total is $5 after using coupons, you will still get that $5 ecb as long as your total was $10 before the coupons. You don't have to make all of your purchases on one day, either, because your card will keep track of how much you've spent towards the deal.
  • Ecbs can roll! This means that you can use ecbs to buy other products that also produce ecbs. For example, you can use the $2.00 you earn from buying the Colgate toothpaste (above picture) to pay for the Crest toothpaste. 
  • Can't get change back from ecbs. If you use your $2.00 ecb to pay for an item that cost $0.99, your $2.00 ecb will be adjusted down to $0.99. You will lose $1.01. 
CVS Coupon Machine
  • Inside of each store is a coupon machine that prints out store coupons when you scan your card
  • After your first batch of coupons print out, scan your card again to get more coupons from the machine
  • If you go into the store and find that the $2.99 Colgate toothpaste has run out of stock, you can ask the store associate to write a raincheck for you. 
  • The associate would write the sale price of the item along with the amount of ecbs you would receive with it. When the product is back in stock, you can simply take your raincheck to the store and buy the product at the price listed on your raincheck. If your purchase qualifies for ecbs, the associate will force print the ecb at the register for you.
  • CVS rainchecks have no expiration date which means that you can use it whenever you're ready!
CVS Beauty Club
  • Head over here to sign up
  • For every $50.00 you spend (before coupons), you will earn a $5.00 ecb.
  • You'll receive a $3.00 ecb on your birthday.
  • Qualifying Beauty purchases include: Cosmetics, Ethnic Hair Care, Fragrances, Hair Accessories, Hair Appliances, Hair Care, Hair Color, Hosiery, Healthy Skin Care and Skin Care.
You can find the CVS coupon policy here. I recommend printing it out and taking it with you to the store whenever you shop.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Get FREE Products from Betty Crocker

Betty Crocker often has great promotions for their members. Just the other day, I received a free pouch of Sugar Cookie mix. It's absolutely FREE to sign up! All you have to do is go here and go through the steps to fill out your information.

Another great thing about the site is that you can print coupons for even more savings!

Don't wait to sign up. When they have the promotions for free samples (like the sugar cookies), you have to be a member prior to the day of each promotion.

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